Inflammation of the tissues of the prostate is quite common, the causes of prostatitis in men are infection and congestion. According to statistics, after 30 years already 30% of men suffer from this disease, and with age, the numbers increase and the disease becomes younger. As you know, the best treatment is prevention, and knowing the causes of a particular pathology will make it easier to protect ourselves from it.
Where does prostatitis come from?
The clinical picture of the disease can include various symptoms. The most common and important are urinary tract diseases and sexual dysfunction. In any case, the symptomatology and the degree of their manifestation depend on the individual characteristics of a man, especially his lifestyle, general state of health and the work of the immune system.

According to the reasons, it is customary to distinguish two forms of the disease:
- contagious
- stagnant.
The reasons for the development of infectious prostatitis
In the infectious form of the disease, the causes of prostatitis are pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the disease develops when a focus of infection is formed in the prostate. It can appear in both acute and chronic forms, but infectious prostatitis is more often acute. At the same time, the man's general well-being deteriorates, lower back pain, the groin area appears, the urination process is disturbed, and the body temperature rises.
Acute prostatitis
The immediate causes of prostatitis in men are foci of infection, which can be localized in completely different organs. Pathogens enter the prostate either ascending from the rectum or urethra or descending through the blood and lymph.
The most common causative agents of acute prostatitis:
- Colibacillus,
- Staphylococcus aureus,
- Streptococci,
- Gonococci.
What causes prostatitis, where are the foci of infection that lead to acute inflammation of the prostate? Urological infections, venereal diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, infections of the intestine can cause prostatitis. Even common caries can provoke the development of prostatitis, since carious teeth are infected.
The ascending way of the spread of pathogenic microorganisms is their entry into the tissues of the prostate from the rectum and urethra. When does this happen? Most often this phenomenon is due to urological infections: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. One possible cause of prostatitis is sexually transmitted diseases, of which gonorrhea is the most common. If a man falls ill with this disease, a focus of infection develops in him, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the prostate. This means that pathogenic microflora can easily spread to prostate tissue. The penetration of gonococci or trichomonads into the prostate can occur during unprotected sexual intercourse when the partner is sick.
The descending path of spread of the infection means that it penetrates through the blood or lymph from the organs above the prostate. In this case, the causes of prostatitis lie in the negative effects on the body of infections of the throat, upper respiratory tract or oral cavity. The diseases that cause prostatitis can include bronchitis, flu, tonsillitis, and tuberculosis. Inflammation of the prostate that results from these problems is usually a complication and the first symptoms appear a few weeks after the underlying infection.

The state of immunity plays an important role in whether or not inflammation occurs. Not all men with foci of infection develop prostatitis. When the body is in an active, vigorous state, immunity copes with infection, and the pathological process stops. The deterioration in the state of defense leads to the development of complications. They are expressed in various diseases, everything depends on individual characteristics and "weak points" in the body. The prostate is one of the most sensitive organs in the male body, so any negative impact can affect its condition.
Why does immunity decrease? The reasons for this are stress, malnutrition, lack of exercise, hypothermia. The infections themselves, especially sexually transmitted infections, become a factor in reducing immunity and contributing to the development of complications.
Chronic prostatitis
In the acute form of the disease, all the symptoms are quite bright, it is impossible not to pay attention to them, therefore, as a rule, men with acute prostatitis immediately consult a doctor. The chronic form of the disease has a sluggish character, the symptoms are not very pronounced, the state of health remains mostly satisfactory, and the temperature is normal. It is due to the low level of symptoms of chronic prostatitis that it is so widespread. Men do not tend to actively treat a problem that does not have vivid, characteristic symptoms, so they usually do not rush to see a doctor with mild manifestations of prostatitis.
What Causes Chronic Prostatitis? The reasons can be the same as for acute prostatitis, but due to the work of the immune system or the weakness of the pathogenic microflora, the disease does not become acute, but develops sluggishly. However, most often the cause of chronic prostatitis is the acute form of the disease, which has not been treated effectively enough.
Reasons for the transition from acute to chronic prostatitis:
- Delayed start of treatment,
- Wrong start of treatment
- Lack of treatment
- Marked decrease in immunity.
In chronic prostatitis, the inflammatory process of the tissues of the prostate gland is not expressed, so symptoms may not be felt until an exacerbation occurs.

Also, the peculiarity of chronic prostatitis is that the primary inflammation of the prostate causes deterioration in the innervation of the organ, which negatively affects its work and can cause autoimmune processes. During these processes, the immune system produces antibodies that are directed against the tissues of the prostate. Even after the infection is cleared, prostatitis will continue to progress.
Causes of Non-Infectious Prostatitis
Non-infectious, ie congestive, prostatitis occurs due to congestion in the pelvic area. Most often it is chronic, gradually developing over time, and making symptoms worse. This type of prostate inflammation is the most common.
What causes prostatitis in men in most cases? The main reason is a violation of blood circulation, its stagnation. As a result, the organ does not receive adequate nutrition, oxygen, there is no full-fledged outflow of secretions, that is, favorable conditions for the development of inflammation appear. This condition usually occurs in men who are not very active, less often it occurs against the background of trauma.
Reasons for stagnant prostatitis
- Lack of physical activity
- Work that involves sitting at a table for a long time, driving a car,
- Irregular sex life
- constipation
- Obesity,
- Imbalanced diet
- Often a restrained urge to urinate
- Smoking and alcohol abuse
- Lumbar Injuries
- Features of the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system.

All of these reasons have an adverse effect on blood flow, both locally and generally. Smoking and regular alcohol consumption, for example, severely weaken vascular tone, which affects the blood circulation in the body. The prostate also suffers from this. Stagnation of the pelvic organs affects men who have a sedentary job, as well as those who are used to driving a lot or passively resting on the couch. Sitting for long periods is generally not good for men's health at all. One way or another, the vessels that supply blood to the pelvic area become pinched and the prostate gland is poorly supplied with blood.
An unbalanced diet leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the body, obesity, poor intestinal function. All of this also has a detrimental effect on blood circulation, especially in the organs of the genitourinary system.
Sex life is very important to men's health, it should be regular. Sex three times a week can be considered an average, but each has its own characteristics, which depend on a man's constitution, wants and needs. Insufficient sexual activity leads to stagnation, as the tension that inevitably builds up is not dissipated. Not only does blood stagnate, but also secretion from the prostate, in which pollutants accumulate.
Excessive sexual activity is also harmful as it costs a man a lot of strength, leads to physical and nervous exhaustion and hormonal imbalance. All of this becomes a factor that provokes inflammation of the glandular tissues.
A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most common causes of prostatitis in men. Today we use public transport a lot, we take the elevator to the upper floors, and a lot has been done to make our lives easier. However, the human body, especially the male, is designed for high levels of physical activity. To get it, men should do some kind of sport. You can always choose what you like, what you enjoy. Good results are obtained through daily gymnastics, which consists of simple exercises and a walk.
Anatomical conditions of the vessels or other structures in the pelvic area can lead to congestion of the prostate. These characteristics can be due to congenital abnormalities or defects, as well as trauma or other illnesses. Violation of the structure of tissue, the condition of blood vessels, the formation of cysts or tumors very often leads to significant changes in the function of both the organ itself and the arteries and veins that ensure its blood supply.
When to worry
If a man felt he had problems urinating, he began to use the toilet more often, he is worried about pain in the lumbar region, in the groin, then you need to see a urologist. Even if the manifestations are minor, they should not be ignored. The appearance of such symptoms suggests that adverse changes have occurred in the body.

If you have problems urinating, pain in the groin and lower back, you should see a urologist!
Diagnosis and treatment
The causes and treatment of prostatitis are closely related. Therefore, in order to successfully overcome the disease, it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis.
Diagnostic procedures
- Collect anamnesis,
- Rectal digital exam,
- Ultrasonic,
- Bacteriological analysis of prostate secretion,
- Blood and urine tests,
- Analysis to determine the PSA level.
These procedures give an idea of the condition of the prostate, make it possible to identify inflammation and its causes. PSA levels are required to rule out adenoma and prostate cancer. Repeated such analyzes are necessary to monitor the success of the treatment.
It is necessary to comprehensively treat prostatitis, including the following methods:
- Drug therapy,
- Massage,
- Physical therapy,
- physical therapy.
Depending on the causes of the disease, drugs are prescribed that eliminate the infectious component, improve blood circulation, the outflow of urine and glandular secretions, and relieve cramps. The earlier treatment is started and the more responsibly a man treats him, the better his results will be.
However, the best thing to do is to prevent the disease, then you don't need to treat it. Prevention for a man consists in avoiding causes and provoking factors, leading a healthy lifestyle and being sexually active.